When Paint Home does a complete re-paint of your home we offer a service that is one of a kind. Paint Home will return for one hour each year to touch up any scuffs or stains that may have occurred as a result of wear and tear. And the best part. It's completely FREE Just get in touch when your job is completed to organise a time for us to give your home some TLC.
NO IF'S OR BUT'S Your satisfaction is our main priority. Paint Home Guarantee's that if you have a problem, we will do whatever it takes to put things right. No questions asked. For Life.
Paint Home guarantee's: If we don't arrive at your consultation on time without sufficient prior notice, orĀ If we don't arrive to complete the job at the agreed time without sufficient prior notice We will give you a e-visa voucher in the amount of fifty dollars.
Paint Home guarantee's to respond to all enquiries within four (4) hours during our standard operating hours. all enquiries being phone calls or emails. If Paint Home does not respond within the above specified timeframe we will deduct $100 from your final invoice.
We understand that no two jobs are the same. Unlike some other painters who provide a budget solution for a premium price, we understand that the work you require varies dependant on your circumstances. Maybe you are looking for a quick touch up before finding a tenant? Or you need a complete refurb before listing on the market. That is why we can provide a detailed professional or a budget option based on your circumstances.
After looking at the other Painters in Melbourne, we quickly realised they all say the same thing: ''We are insured'', great! ''We have many 'x' years experience'', fantastic! ''We provide FREE estimates'', ok. As a customer, all of the above are what you would expect from your painter. Paint Home was born to offer our customers a service which is truely unique
We understand that we make some pretty bold promises. But why should we settle for any less?